Artist Statement
I credit any abilities I display to the original Creator, who gave me the desire to create, a measure of talent, and the people and circumstances to guide me in stewarding the artistic gift given to me. My desire is to continually share these experiences in a way that resonates with others, and grow in my ability to reflect the beauty and order of God’s magnificent creation. Artist Bio I was born at Whiteman Air Force Base near Warrensburg, Missouri, in January 1960, and after a short time in Warrensburg and Roswell, New Mexico, was raised predominantly in the North Kansas City area. I earned a BFA in Commercial Art from the University of Central Missouri (formerly CMSU). After college, I joined the Air Force and served as an instructor pilot in T-38s at Reese AFB in Lubbock, TX, and then as an aircraft commander in C-130Es at Pope AFB in Fayetteville, North Carolina, before returning to art. I enjoy all genres of painting, but two particular subjects interest me the most: love for America and it’s exceptional history, and the thrill of flight. My knowledge of each of these topics has been cultivated through real life experience, especially through my military service in the Air Force, and now as a Navy civilian artist. The history of the United States and its flags produce a sense of awe in me as they represent a nation founded on godly principles that encourage humility, grace, benevolence toward others, and personal growth in service to God and our fellow man. Nowhere else in human history has such a powerful force for good existed and America is exceptional in these virtues, as well as being governed by the citizens themselves. The concepts of duty, honor and country inspire me. With aviation, it is hard to put into words what it is that has totally enraptured me. My best attempt is to highlight the graceful lines of all types of aircraft - visually describe the ability to overcome gravitational restrictions to soar above the clouds and view God’s beautiful creation from a totally new perspective - depict the powerful thrust that catapults the pilot into the air - capture the fusion of man and machine to accomplish incredible feats aloft. I am always thinking about how to better take the viewer to places I’ve been by sharing the things I have experienced, as well as the adventures of others with whom I am fortunate to speak. Despite my college training, it was artist Bob Way who really taught me the principles of fine art, color mixing and composition, and started me on a never-ending quest to see better. He also taught me the process of oil layering that yields the amazing depth and luminosity I have used in several of my paintings. His instruction, combined with talent from the Creator and the incredible opportunities He has orchestrated, have combined to fill me with purpose and intense satisfaction. Selected Awards
Juried Exhibitions & Galleries